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Welcome to the Voice Mechanics Exploratory Research Project, a patient-driven, independent effort to find relief for people who struggle with their voices due to neuromuscular disorders. Please note that this research project and survey is in no way associated with the NSDA, NIH, or any other organization performing research in this area.

Research Project
The purpose of this study is to identify trends within the community of people with voice disorders that might lead to alternative treatments that are more effective than those currently available. It is the belief of the study's founders that it is possible that the physiological characteristics of people with certain types of voice disorders are different from those without in ways that cause the conditions. If we are correct, then identifying these common differences could possibly lead to treatments that focus on permanently correcting improper physiology rather than treating the negative secondary effects on the neuromuscular control system used in voice production.

If you have been diagnosed by a qualified ENT who specializes in voice disorders as someone who has Spasmodic Dysphonia (SD), Muscle Tension Dystonia (MTD), Vocal Cord Paralysis, or Dysarthria, we would like you to take a few minutes to complete a short survey that will help us to prove or disprove certain hypotheses that we have developed about the nature of these conditions.

In return for your participation, you will be provided with the results of the survey, along with information about any treatment approaches that result from the study. Thank you for your time and energy toward this cause!

We are a patient-driven effort to augment the research in the field of voice disorders. We cannot promise that our survey results will prove conclusive enough to warrant further study. However, we do believe that it is only through multiple research paths that there is a hope of finding more effective treatments.
Participate in Research Study:
Required Information*
Email Address*:
Retype to Confirm*:
Note: Only one survey for each email address will be accepted
Birthday*: Gender*:
Diagnosed with the following*:
(Hold down CTRL key to make multiple selections)

"Other Diagnosis" Description:

Duration of Condition*:
I have had this condition for:

Which of the following treatments have you undergone?
(Hold down CTRL key to make multiple selections)

"Other Treatment" Description:

Do you receive Botox treatments currently?*
Yes No

Optional Information:
First Name:
Last Name:
Primary Phone Number:
Include me in email list

* I have read and agree to the terms of participation

Notes: JavaScript must be enabled in your browser to submit this survey.
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